Saturday, 1 July 2017

Small Projects

Crowd Surfers
June 2020

Crowd Surfers is an experimental game made for the IGDA eJam 2020 within 48 hours in a team of three people.

The goal of this game is to carry as many crowd surfers from the concert as possible to the back without dropping them! Players control the arms/crowd by making them follow the mouse cursor. In addition to this, players have to activate the chunk of the crowd they want to control. My personal tasks within the development included programming the game loop, procedural animations and polish. Get Crowd Surfers here!

June 2020

Legs. is an experimental 2D platformer including charming (?) programmer art and wonky controls, and was made by myself as a personal project for the I Can't Draw But Want To Make A Game jam on itch.

The player takes their legs for a stroll at the beach to reach the sea and go for a swim. But watch out! Sea urchins and crabs are nothing you want to step on! Play the game in your browser, right here!

Paper Cat
March 2020

Paper Cat is a game created for an Experimental Game Design course at Uppsala University. it contains a hidden mechanic aiming to create distrust between players in a seemingly peaceful co-op platformer.

Your goal is to work together to reach the end! You can pick up each other and the things around you to help you jump over obstacles. Be careful with the shredders, they will definitely destroy you. Graba friend and play the game here!

El Cheapo
January 2019

This mobile game was created within 48 hours for Global Game Jam 2019. Your goal is to flick all the furniture into the moving truck using your fingers. If you miss the truck, it will drive off and leave you with your final score. My tasks in this project included game play and UI programming, creating a sound system and linking to Google Play Services for achievements and leader boards. El Cheapo has also been presented at the Gotland Game Conference 2019 and got nominated for the Jury Spotlight Award.

Jungle Jive
June 2018

Jungle Jive was created for the course Game Production 1: Arcade Games and later showcased at the Gotland Game Conference 2018.
Playing Jungle Jive, your goal is to imitate dance moves to the beat of the background music, similarly to how you play other dancing games. The Twist is,
that your input device is a puppet. You have to twist and turn the puppets arms and legs to perform the shon dance moves and beat your opponent in a
dance off. Additionally, items and freestyle sequences give you more opportunities to win the game and become the dance master of the jungle. My tasks in the project included programming a beat system, general gameplay and UI, as well as composing and producing a music track and building the dolls.


March 2018

Beelonging was created for the course Game Design 2: Game Development. Students were tasked to turn a concept document created by other students into reality by using their newly-learned skills in each of their courses. In the creation of Beelonging my tasks mainly included coding the entire game, but I also made design decisions and took part in sound and music. For Beelonging we created 6 different levels, a boss fight, lots of enemies and a system of unlockable costumes. Play Beelonging here!